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The WFIU-WTIU Community Advisory Board assists senior managers of Indiana University Radio-TV Services in fulfilling the stations’ mission to inform, inspire, and educate its audiences. Board members evaluate programs and station initiatives, serve as a sounding board for ideas presented by and to WFIU-WTIU, and bring issues of community concern to the attention of management.

Community Advisory Board members represent various constituencies within the areas reached by WFIU’s and WTIU’s over-the-air signals, and among the national and global audience reached by the stations via the Internet.

WFIU-WTIU Community Advisory Board meetings are open to the public and generally held on the first Thursday in February, May, August, and November at noon, at a physical location in Bloomington and via Zoom. 

The 2024 schedule of meetings is as follows:
Thursday, February 1, DeVault Alumni Center
Thursday, May 9, location TBD 
Thursday, August 1, location TBD 
Thursday, November 7, location TBD  

Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Meetings of the full WFIU-WTIU CAB are open to the public; and minutes are posted on the WFIU-WTIU website following board approval.

Nominations for board membership can be submitted to WFIU-WTIU. Correspondence should be addressed to Jay Kincaid, IU Radio-TV Services Executive Director (Interim), 1229 E. Seventh Street, Bloomington, IN 47405.

Current Advisory Board Members

Sharon Sung Andrews
Account Manager, Cummins Inc.
Michele Bergonzi 
Senior Vice President of Account Management, Gallagher Student Health
Tom Bunger
Attorney, Bunger & Robertson
Joan Curts 
Retired, Indiana University Alumni Association
Pamela Davidson 
Charitable Gift Planner and Consultant
Lauren Dexter-Burns
Director of Marketing and Events, Bloomington Health Foundation
Sally Gaskill
Director, Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP), Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University
Nicole King
Operations Manager, Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra
Cullen McCarty
Vice President, Smithville
Martha Nice 
Academic Enrichment Program; Throop Elementary School, Paoli, Indiana
Lynn Schwartzberg 
Community Arts Volunteer
Adrian Starnes
Associate Director, IU Arts & Humanities Council
Judy Stewart
Retired judge, Brown County
Nathan Watson
Director, Bedford Public Library 

The WFIU and WTIU licenses are held by IU’s Board of Trustees. You can find the Board of Trustees’ three-year meeting calendar here.

WFIU-WTIU Public Radio and Television
Community Advisory Board Bylaws
adopted December 1, 2022
amended May 4, 2023


Purpose and Function of the Community Advisory Board

The WFIU-WTIU Community Advisory Board (CAB) serves in an advisory role to IU Radio-TV Services’ management and staff.

In accordance with Section 396 (k) (8) (b) of the Public Telecommunications Financing Act of 1978, the Community Advisory Board shall be permitted to review the programming goals established by the station, the service provided by the station, and the significant policy decisions rendered by the station. The board also may be delegated any other responsibilities as determined by the governing body of the station. The board shall advise the governing body of the station with respect to whether the programming and other policies of such station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station and may make recommendations, as it considers appropriate, to meet such needs.

The role of the board shall be solely advisory in nature, except to the extent other responsibilities are delegated to the board by the governing body of the station. In no case shall the board have any authority to exercise any control over the daily management or operation of the station.

The CAB has four (4) functions:

To act as a sounding board in areas of WFIU-WTIU’s programming, development, and delivery

To serve as an engagement entity between WFIU-WTIU and the broader community

To assist in resource development for WFIU-WTIU

To advise on WFIU-WTIU’s policy issues as needed and appropriate


Membership and Terms

The Community Advisory Board will be composed of no more than 20 members representing communities and constituencies served by WFIU-WTIU.

CAB members will serve a three-year term and may be reappointed twice by mutual agreement, for a maximum of nine consecutive years of service. Following a break of at least one year, members may return for up to two more consecutive three-year terms. 

CAB members will be financially contributing members of WFIU and/or WTIU each year of their CAB service.


Expectations of Members

CAB members will be informed individuals who are willing to be visible in their communities and gather comments and ideas about WFIU-WTIU’s programming and services.

CAB members will attend and be active participants in meetings. Members are expected to attend no fewer than three meetings annually. Leaves of absence may be granted at the discretion of the Board. Any members not able to meet the minimum attendance requirements without an approved leave of absence may be removed from the CAB with majority consent.

Membership on the CAB is public record. Once appointed to the CAB, members’ names, their community of residence and brief biographies will be posted on the CAB section of the WFIU-WTIU website.


Meeting Proceedings

Regular Meetings. The Community Advisory Board will have no fewer than four (4) meetings per year on quarterly basis.
Special Meetings. A quorum of voting Community Advisory Board members shall be empowered to call additional meetings as necessary.
Quorum. A majority of voting members of the Community Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board, and the action of a majority of such members present and voting at such a meeting shall be the act of the Board. Once properly convened, a meeting of the Board shall not be terminated for lack of a quorum thereafter.
Notice of Meetings. All CAB meetings are open to the public. Public comment within any meeting may be accommodated by prior arrangement with station or CAB leadership. All meetings and locations of the CAB will be posted with reasonable notice and minutes of the meetings will be available on the station’s website for public review. Board members in attendance will be noted in the minutes.
Agenda. Meeting agenda and other materials will be provided to CAB members in a timely fashion prior to a meeting. CAB members will come to meetings prepared to discuss agenda items.
Structure. Meetings will be conducted according to a system of rules that broadly adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Minutes. Designated WFIU-WTIU staff will be responsible for the reporting of minutes from CAB meetings to the CAB as well as WFIU-WTIU’s governing body via the Secretary of the Indiana University Board of Trustees.


Appointment of Officers

Officers. The executive members of the Community Advisory Board will consist of the Chair and Vice-Chair, both of whom shall be elected from and by the members of the Community Advisory Board, and each of whom will serve a two-year term.

Chair. The Chair of the Board, Vice-Chair or designated member shall preside at all meetings of the Board, working from an agenda created in concert with station leadership; shall serve as chief liaison among the Board, its working groups, and station leadership; and shall perform such other duties and have such powers as may be prescribed by the Board of these bylaws.

Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the administration of the Community Advisory Board in the absence of the Chairperson.



Working Groups

The Community Advisory Board may form seven ad hoc working groups, each slated to meet on an as-needed basis. These groups may conduct research, participate in activities, and offer advice in support of station leadership to achieve strategic goals. Any group may be asked to present findings and recommendations to the larger CAB at quarterly meetings. Each group will contain approximately three CAB members and will focus on one of these areas: Advocacy, Development, Cross-Platform Content, News, Engagement, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and Recruitment Strategy. Additionally, the CAB or station management may recommend other working groups of its members to facilitate its work.

The Advocacy Group will focus on fostering relationships with local, state, and federal legislators to better serve our communities and their constituents.

The Development Group will cultivate relationships with major donors and stakeholders in order to address the needs posed by new and existing initiatives.

The Cross-Platform Content Group will advise about whether our current and prospective content for broadcast and other platforms meets the core cultural needs of the communities we serve.

The News Group will advise about whether our current and prospective content for broadcast and other platforms meets the core informational needs of the communities we serve.

The Engagement Group will help station leadership to determine and address the needs of the communities we serve.

The DEI Group will help ensure that underrepresented voices are evident within our work in areas such as advocacy, development, content, and engagement, as well as staff and CAB recruitment, education, and training.

The Recruitment Strategy Group will meet as needed to ensure the board maintains a minimum membership of 15. The group will identify individuals to recommend to the full CAB for membership consideration. The selection criteria for new members will consider geographic representation, age group, gender, occupation, cultural and ethnic groups, and any other factors deemed necessary and appropriate to represent the communities and constituencies served by WFIU-WTIU.