The Highway Safety Improvement Program is a core Federal-aid program with the goal of significantly reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads according to the press release.
(Courtesy of City of Bloomington)
Construction is expected to begin on the City of Bloomington’s Crosswalk Improvement Project in June.
The Crosswalk Improvement Project will construct improved crosswalks at three different intersections: Third Street at Grant, 11th at Diamond/Blair, and Isaac at Patterson, according to a press release from the City of Bloomington.
Andrew Cibor, the Bloomington city engineer, said construction will start next week and that work will happen at all three locations at the same time.
“You'll start seeing some temporary traffic control devices in each of these locations, and probably soon after, actually start to see some of the construction work start.” Cibor said.
At Third and Grant, a median island will be installed within Third Street to provide a refuge for people walking or riding bicycles to cross only half of Third Street at a time.
Cibor said he thinks the Third and Grant location will see the most drastic change, with both pedestrian improvements and changes to the way vehicles use the intersection.
Motor vehicle access to and from Grant Street will be restricted to right turns only according to the release. This change is intended to reduce motor vehicle crashes, along with improving the crosswalks.
“Several years ago, we discovered there was a crash trend at that intersection where there's quite a few vehicle crashes,” Cibor said. “So the changes there actually improved safety for vehicles as well,”
During construction, Third Street will be limited to one lane in each direction, according to the release. The city will also coordinate with the adjacent private development construction project, The Annex, on Grant between Third and Fourth Streets to facilitate traffic and access to local business and residences.
At the intersection of 11th at Diamond/Blair, a rectangular rapid flashing beacon will be installed to improve the visibility of people crossing 11th Street. A rectangular rapid flashing beacon is a warning light system that activates when a button is pushed.
At the intersection of Isaac at Patterson, work on the north and west corners of the intersection will shorten pedestrian crossing distances and reduce motor vehicle speeds at the crosswalks.
Cibor said there will be some sidewalk closures at 11th at Diamond/Blair and Isaac at Patterson due to some ramp and other reconstruction, but traffic should be maintained.
“There might be some flagging operations or things but no major closures,” Cibor said.
Construction for all three intersections will also include accessible curb ramps, warning signs and new markings, according to the release.
While Cibor said he thinks the project has multiple goals, the project’s overall goal is to improve pedestrian safety, comfort level and accessibility at intersections.
“And just to create a better pedestrian environment.” Cibor said.
The project is federally funded and was prioritized by the Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization to receive $494,005 in Highway Safety Improvement Program funding for up to 90% of construction costs, according to the release.
Cibor said the city is investing a lot of resources and energy into improving pedestrian safety and accessibility throughout the city.
“There's work ongoing all throughout the city, by multiple departments to just make sure things are accessible to all people and that people don't have to rely on the automobile as well to get around,” Cibor said.